Is there such a thing as too many toys?
The bigger question is how often do you swap them out? Like anything else, dogs get bored with the same ‘ole same ‘ole. Keep it interesting by swapping out on the week you wash them. Variety is nice but do not get crazy with too many choices, so we recommend less than 7 toys out at a time. What are the safest toys for small dogs? Crinkle toys, soft toys, the Kong Plush Duck, squeaky toys, Goughnuts Tug Dog Pull Toy, Hide and Seek toys to name a few. Kong has some of the best rubber toys. A squeaker bulb should be in good working order and very audible. Are there toys that break/damage the teeth? Thumbnail test: if you cannot make a thumbnail imprint on the material it may be one to avoid. Bones, hooves, antlers, tennis balls (fuzz ruins enamel), ice cubes by themselves not in the water, very hard nylon toys, sticks, hard cheese such as Yak chews because it fails the test for softness. Pig ears are high in fat and can cause stomach problems. Bully sticks pose choking hazards and while high in protein, dogs with kidney issues should not be given these. There is a bully stick holder (The Bully Holder/ Bully Grip) available. Knotted rawhide chews should be avoided because the knot presents a choking hazard. Older Toy dogs have notorious problems with their teeth and tarter. Damaged teeth because of chewing bones and so forth, is one hazard that can be skipped. Teeth need cleaning once every 3-4 years. Check with your veterinarian. Is the toy’s size important? The size does matter whether you are talking about ring toys or others especially balls. Balls need to be large enough they cannot be swallowed. How often should you clean toys? Clean toys about every 2 weeks in the dishwasher or other antibacterial wash. What if your dog's mission is to destroy the toys? There are toys made for these aggressive chewers such as Outward Bound FireBiterz., GoDog, Chewy offers a monthly box of ‘Tough Dog Chews’, West Paw toys, Feeko dog toys and others. As always it should be size appropriate. What about toys for teething? ‘Durability” seems to be the go-to word for these products, but it does not preclude safety. Teething is a long period for puppies (34 weeks/almost 8 mos./238 days +/-). Variety, patience, and recognizing it will slow down one day (except paper products). My Havanese are older but still need their chew toys. I really like teething toys with a texture like bumps. Vary texture and all you can with chew toys for the long haul. Remember trading out the toys helps prevent boredom. What about Bully Sticks? Bully sticks and rawhide products (aside from check origin issues) are a difficult subject for me. Both products can cause digestive problems but have long been go-to products for chewing. One of the bigger concerns is when the product is chewed almost into oblivion and becomes a choking hazard. There are bully stick holders. Be sure to look for the odor-free variety. It requires monitoring. I used to offer rawhide sticks but no longer buy them because of processing concerns, etc. Things to watch out for:
Can tug-of-war be dangerous? This is one of our family’s most fun games. Kiwi is all business with a sock and tug-of-war but it is important not to launch the dog or have the feet leave the ground. Why? Well, launching your dog into space speaks for itself as a no-no but your dog’s teeth, shoulders, back, and neck can also be permanently damaged if the game gets out of hand. Be sure all the players understand the rules. What about rope toys? Cotton ropes are naturally safer products than other materials because of swallowing bits and pieces. ¨ What are some Safety Tips? Watch your dog for a little while with a new toy. Chemicals. Other safety issues should include if the toy is treated such as some rawhide products. Flavorings can encourage bacteria growth. BPA. Well Chewed chews need to be thrown out. Well chewed products disintegrate into smaller pieces than can be swallowing hazards. Construction. Some dogs need to be watched if they are determined to destroy a chew, but some chews come apart at the seams easily, break, or tear up too early. Size matters with any toy. Be careful of rings or circles since they can present a danger if they are not the right size. Toys exposed to vastly varying temperatures outdoors deteriorate faster than indoor toys. Wash the toys about every 2 weeks If your fingernail cannot leave an imprint on a toy, it is too hard for your puppy’s teeth. Is there any mention of BPA with your choice of toy? See Jolly Pets, West Paw Design or Planet Dog. REFERENCES: “7 Chew Toys That Can Damage Your Dog's Teeth - Cherry Hill.” Cherry Hill Animal Hospital, 28 Jan. 2020, https://cherryhillanimalhospital.com/chew-toys-can-damage-dogs-teeth/. Arnold, Brandy. “Are Your Dog's Toys Poisoning Him?” The Dogington Post, 30 Mar. 2022, https://www.dogingtonpost.com/are-your-dogs-toys-poisoning-him/. Ashley, Sarah. “The Best Chew Toys for Dogs That Are Safe and Vet-Approved.” PureWow, PureWow, 12 July 2019, https://www.purewow.com/family/dog-chew-toys-safe-vet-approved. Cathy Madson, MA. “The Best Dog Chews and Toys.” Preventive Vet, 18 Aug. 2021, https://www.preventivevet.com/dogs/best-dog-chews-and-toys. Turner, Dr. Beth. “Potential Dangers of Popular Dog Chews.” Preventive Vet, 18 Aug. 2021, https://www.preventivevet.com/dogs/potential-dangers-of-popular-dog-chews.
Starting: You need a grooming table and an overhead arm if you do not have one. Grooming overhead arms come in two lengths so be sure to get the one that fits your grooming table. Lay the hammock on the table and help your dog step into the hammock, then gather the loops up and hook them onto the overhead arm. Viola! You are ready to begin!
DID YOU KNOW? EATING 1/2 A DEATH CAP MUSHROOM CAN KILL A HUMAN. The top of the mushroom is the cap which is usually a greenish-yellow. It is a dome-shaped but flattens as it ages. It is tough, shiny, and leathery to the touch but may be slick or sticky if wet. Many poisonous mushrooms have a sour or bitter smell like ammonia. Under the cap are pure white Gills which have a fluted structure and where it produces spores. Not all mushrooms have gills. Under the cap at the top of the stem is a membrane veil or skirt covering part of the large, thick, white stem. The stem sits in a white cup or rounded base called a Volva. It is one of the keys to identifying the Death Cap Mushroom. Story Time: Recently Kristin let their 9-month-old puppy, Obie, outside. He was drawn to some mushrooms and began to chew one. They quickly pulled the mushroom and saw many more in the yard. Within 15-20 minutes Obie began to drool and then vomit with diarrhea. Scared, Kristin immediately called the vet. The vet told her to give him some water. After time, the vomiting stopped. Kristin thought that was end of it, but unfortunately 10 hours after ingesting the mushroom, Obie passed away. DID YOU KNOW? A DEATH CAP MUSHROOM CAN SHUT DOWN THE LIVER IN 6-12 HOURS. What to do:
This article is dedicated to his memory and to the Bruns who were kind enough to share this warning on FB Oct. 9, 2021. References: “Amanita Phalloides - Death Cap.” Amanita Phalloides – Mushrooms Up! Edible and Poisonous Species of Coastal BC and the Pacific Northwest, https://www.zoology.ubc.ca/~biodiv/mushroom/A_phalloides.html. |
May 2023