Building a Bonding Between Child(ren) and Dog(s). We all want our children to love and get along with our pets. However bridging that gap can sometimes be difficult. Where to start? What signs are there to show that my child(ren) is or are bonding with our family pet? Click on the picture below for a start on "how to integrate your dog correctly into your family."
07/19/2014 1 Comment Please come by our Facebook page for more interactive conversation and fun! https://www.facebook.com/2CuteHavanese summer heat kills So, Texas has skipped spring this year and is diving into summer time with a gusto. We wanted to give you this article: 1000's of dogs die unreported and from a preventable cause every year. We need your help to read on to protect your precious pet, spread the word and watch out for others. The cause of this preventable death toll is simply summer heat. The reason is time. A pet owner takes their dog out for the day and fun but needs to stop at the corner store to grab a drink. Fido stays in the car. The temperature is over a 100 degrees. The owner decides to grab a couple of more things, looks around and before you know it (and the owner doesn't know it) the temperature in the car is over 120 degrees! You think we're exaggerating or being dramatic. Not so, my friend. Here are the facts: 78 degrees > 10 min or less > 100 - 120 degrees 90 degrees > 10 min or less > 100 - 170 degrees 100 degrees > 10 min or less > 100 - you get the idea. What you may not know is the reason why 10 minutes is a critical window. Dogs' temperature normally is in the neighborhood of 101.5. They get into trouble if it only raises to 103 degrees and they are susceptible to hyperthermia/heat stroke at only 106. * This is why minutes in the heat in the car count. * You might say that this doesn't apply to you because you crack the window. If the dog can't jump through it, it still doesn't count. Why? Dogs may pant all they want and desperately so, but not enough to prevent heat stroke. An unrelated animal fact for you is horses can't throw up! Dogs can not sweat enough to cool themselves in an excessively warm environment LIKE YOUR HOT CAR! I will tell you that young dogs and brachycephalic breeds (short snouts/smushed faced dogs) are even more at risk than older dogs and there are other physical traits you can factor in but honestly, these deter from the fact that heat kills quickly and any death from heatstroke in a car is preventable. It is owner controlled. I do not have the space to go into the symptoms of heatstroke in dogs. Look it up. Easy/peazy. There are more than 10 of symptoms and the rescue measures are usually given as well. Even calling 911/no ambulance/only fire fighters help - no cold water - just cool on chest, groin, paws and stomach. See vet ASAP. Have a witness if you can if it is not your dog. So unnecessary! BTW it is CRIMINAL in 14 states (2012!) to leave a dog unattended in a car. One fine was $ 500 (5/14) in addition to being charged with leaving an animal unattended in a car. In closing, the short answer to this preventable disaster is PLANNING. PLAN your dog trips so there is no 'stoppage' because summer heat is a killer in very little time. Be safe. Have fun. - from your 2 Cute Havanese friends. July 8, 2014 Kiwi's Korner ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Why Buy From A Reputable Breeder ? Recently the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) released a notorious list of some of the worse puppy mills in the United States. The name of this annual list is “A Horrible Hundred.” 'The puppy mills were selected based on the conditions documented in publicly available inspection reports and on evidence obtained during HSUS research and investigations." Furthermore the HSUS is "calling on authorities to more closely monitor these and the thousands of other facilities across the country and is also urging state legislators to pass stronger laws to protect dogs in puppy mills". (1)For a long time we were unaware of such a list and thought you might be interested in such a thing. And yes, Texas is on the list. HSUS investigators went all over the state including the flea markets (2). They witnessed in Canton puppies in physical and emotional distress too young by law to be away from their mothers. Some did not even have their eyes open which means they were less that 2 weeks old. Aside from people bringing home grown puppies to places like Canton, the HSUS investigators studied shipping documents showing more that 1,400 puppies shipped to Texas came from five of the worse puppy mills in the United States, specifically from Oklahoma, Arkansas, Kansas, Missouri and Iowa. In a flea market in Canton alone, records documented over 400 puppies were shipped in from out of state. Many of the pet stores throughout the state purchased pups from people who had had their USDA license terminated for repeat offenses or breeders cited for multiple animal care problems. These problems are not in the league of simply not cleaning the pen one morning. These offenses are horrific things no decent person would allow an animal to endure. Details are ugly and can be found in the references cited below. Aside from the consumer seeing a puppy in the pet stores that probably came from one of these puppy mills but cleaned up, the HSUS found that the information given by the pet store and flea market staff may be misinformation to the consumer. So, go to a reputable breeder who will show you were the dogs and puppies live, the puppies' parents. Show that their dogs and the puppies are healthy and well cared for and then make your choice. "The HUSU estimates there are at least 10,000 puppy mills in the United States." They are "large scale commercial breeding facilities that neglect the basic health and welfare of the dogs . . . parent dogs . . . spend entire lives in small wire cages with little to no veterinary care . . ." 1.http://www.humanesociety.org/news/press_releases/2013/05/horrible-100-puppy-mill-report-050913.html#id=album-193&num=content-3361 2.http://www.humanesociety.org/news/press_releases/2013/11/Texas-pet-store-flea-market-undercover-investigation-111213.html July 16, 2014 Owning Havanese Over the last 25 years, studies have proven that having a pet offers multiple benefits. Those benefits range from physical and social to emotional well-being. We tell everyone that Havanese are like potato chips and that you can’t just have one but the truth be told, whether you have one or multiples, your life is enriched by them. We don’t know what it is about the Havanese but you become the center of their world and they love you for it. The fortunate thing about this condition is that the Havanese apparently can handle several worlds with other family members being in their center. We’re not quite sure how that works but it does. The doctors tell us pets lower blood pressure, helps us shed some anxiety or they can help us to relax and enjoy life. Without going into the measurable side of the studies with serotonin and dopamine levels, etc., the simple enjoyment of petting a dog or sharing your world with them is good for us. Our immunity levels are better. “People with pets are generally happier, more trusting, and less lonely than those who don't have pets. They also visit the doctor less often for minor problems.” In some ways they can help us live longer if not happier. Dogs and puppies help us socialize more with each other, too. Strangers will often say something about a dog to a wheelchair bound owner, dogs in the classroom help children with autism be more integrated in their class. Puppies are simply social magnets. Dogs and pups help us get past shyness with one another. A term you see connected with dogs is ‘social shyness or isolation’ helping people be more socialable . Who couldn’t stand a little more help in easing social situations sometimes? Lastly, having a relatively small, very happy and bright eyed creature bouncing with excitement to greet you or lay next to in the quiet moments just so you can pet them, reaffirms who belongs to whom. One suggestion is that you feel like you have more control of your life. I don’t know if I feel like I have more control over my life but my Havanese are very good listeners and always supportive. They lift my spirit after a long day when they greet me. And they make me laugh. A lot. My dogs have inspired me to coin the terms, ‘Sir Licksalot’ and ‘Lickasaurus’ in my household. http://www.webmd.com/hypertension-high-blood-pressure/features/health-benefits-of-pets http://www.webmd.com/hypertension-high-blood-pressure/features/6-ways-pets-improve-your-health Can't Find the Right Topic?If you cannot find the topic you are looking for please feel free to suggest topics!
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