National Animal Disaster Preparedness Day is a reminder for us to have a pet 'Grab and Go' bag prepared in the unlikely event we would ever need one. It’s not just about hurricanes. Floods, tornadoes, fire and any other emergency you can imagine where you have to grab your pet and leave.
This is your reminder to plan out your grab bag and where you would keep it. If you have one already it is the opportunity to update your bag and check for anything out-of-date. Plan Things Today:
Please, consider in a quiet time, what you need to take care of or transport your four-legged family in a natural disaster or fire. Talk through your exit plan with your family. Put together your own emergency kit today. Here is a Packing List for your Dogs 7 Day Perishable:
Why pumpkin? Pumpkin can settle an upset stomach. Helps with liquid stools. Calming treats help ease anxiety and other stress related issues. When our show dogs were exposed to a new virus the vet told us to spray them down with 50/50 Listerine and water to kill the germs. Then they were quarantined. If your pet has been soaked in flood water, it is filthy and contaminated. After the storm is notably a very dangerous time as well. Take a Red Cross Pet First Aid Class online. It is a 35-minute course about the basics for caring for a hurt pet from vital signs to CPR and more. I have used this information to save puppy lives and care for injuries. Well worth it. https://www.redcross.org/take-a-class/first-aid/cat-dog-first-aid How would you and your pet fare? Take care. Be prepared. *50/50 Listerine was directed by a vet when we were exposed to air borne dog flu virus. It can be sprayed on the dog, car, clothes, etc., as an antibacterial agent. REFERENCES: CARLIE KOLLATH WELLS | Staff writer. “A Cat 4+ Hurricane Has Touched Almost Every Part of the Gulf Coast in Last 5 Years; See Map.” NOLA.Com, 29 Sept. 2022, www.nola.com/news/hurricane/a-cat-4-hurricane-has-touched-almost-every-part-of-the-gulf-coast-in-last/article_705d9f3e-400c-11ed-88bf-0f82e72c0797.html.
Without a doubt one of the scariest and very upsetting facts for pet owners is when a beloved pet is missing. Rather than sitting around fretting, it is a call-to-arms to get moving to get your pet back as quickly as possible. Lost Pet Facts:
What to Do if Your Pet Is Lost:
Making a Flier: Information, Keep it Simple & Brief with picture Bold Lettering for Lost Dog. Have your phone number clearly presented. Letter carefully and clearly. Tear off phone number tabs are good. Pet's Name. Brief description, keep something back from the public for you to know if scam or not. Give the location and date last seen. Most of the time rewards are unnecessary. If you choose to offer a reward just say, "REWARD" Ads - local papers Communicate -social network/media, neighbors - fliers in mailboxes Post on Craig’s List Leave a smelly article of clothing outside nearby the farthest on record of a dog being able to scent is 40 ft underground, 80 ft underwater and more than a mile away! No kidding. SCAMS There are also unscrupulous people out there, rehearse what you will say when a caller calls. Think about a meeting place, etc. If a reward is offered. Think about how it is handled. Never wire money. There is a lot of text scamming. Don’t be a victim of a scam. Ask them to identify your pet or send a picture. Don't offer info. Ask them for their number and call them back. One scam is when the caller says the pet is injured and he needs money to take the pet to the vet. Don’t fall for this. Don’t give up! Check and recheck.
It is difficult to assess how long your dog has been infected when the signs or symptoms appear. During this season it is very important to frequently go over your dog checking crevices like the armpit of the dog, ears, and all over your pet. These diseases can be fatal if not treated promptly. Be sure your dog is protected and check them often for ticks. Tick season is mostly in spring and summer but in Texas, it ain’t over yet! Top Four Southern Tick Borne Diseases
Professional medical intervention is necessary. Culprits Blacklegged (deer) tick Lone Star Ticks American Dog Ticks REFERENCES:
“10 Types of Ticks That Can Make You Sick, Where They Live, and How to Identify Them.” Prevention, 6 Feb. 2023, www.prevention.com/health/g27419738/types-of-ticks/. Vsadmin. “Ticks: What You Need to Know.” VetCare Pet Hospital, 29 Mar. 2022, www.vetcarepethospital.ca/ticks-what-you-need-to-know/. |
May 2023