Here are some basic procedures:
One buyer asked if after neutering his dog is there plastic surgery to have the dog look intact? At the time I was unfamiliar with testicular implants but assume there was something since plastic surgery is such a broad and booming market for humans. I was right! According to the American Pet Products Association Americans will spend more than $69 billion annually (since 2017).
Surgeries are generally done to improve function for the dog with persistent issues. Most of these surgeries repair birth defects, damage done via accidents or to simply improve life in everyday medically warranted scenarios. Some of these issues requiring repair are a result of misguided aesthetic-based breeding such as a shorter snout that can impair breathing along with other issues. Cosmetic surgery is on the rise in the US although many of these surgeries are banned overseas. Improving aesthetics for a dog without a medical reason is frowned upon. With any of these surgeries, there is a risk to the dog. The answer to the question “Why?” most often is “They’re family”. References: “From Birthday Parties to 'Pawdicures,' House-Bound Americans Can't Stop Spending on Their Pets.” Money, https://money.com/spending-on-pets/. TodayShow. “Puppy Plastic Surgery Is a Booming Business - Here's Why.” TODAY.com, TODAY, 13 July 2017, https://www.today.com/pets/puppy-plastic-surgery-pets-booming-business-t113801. Whalen, Sydney. “Plastic Surgery for Dogs: Top 9 Procedures for Man's Best Friend.” Zwivel, 1 Apr. 2022, https://www.zwivel.com/blog/canine-plastic-surgery/.
Story Time: Last week, while I was wrapping up a routine check-up at the vet’s, there was a serious problem.. Two owners, each waiting their appointed time struggled to control their dogs. They exhibited aggressive behavior such as snarling and posturing. These were not little dogs either. Luckily, before an accident could happen reinforcements arrived in the form of our amazing vet techs. Basic Training Includes:
Training is part of responsible ownership, and a fundamental part of having dogs in our society as well-behaving members. Civility is simply a question of a dog behaving well when it meets another dog, person, or behaving well in an unfamiliar environment and responding on command. Basic obedience is critical to ensuring the safety of all, especially with the growing canine population. A core component of training is socialization. Training is rewarded and reinforced with treats along the way to make it a positive experience for the dog. Good behavior is further encouraged when the proud handler praises the dog. A skittish, shy, or aggressive animal can be rehabilitated with rewards and praise to become more comfortable and confident. An owner can confidently enjoy their pet outside of the home and enriched their relationship through training. Basic training can offer other avenues and levels to pursue, but it begins with simply passing the Canine Good Citizen course. AKC events are a lot of fun such as agility. Mostly just having a well-mannered dog is very comfortable and a basic course is not strenuous. The benefits for all are worthwhile and last a lifetime.
We hope that all of you have a wonderful Christmas, holiday, or break! May your days be merry, bright, and above all, warm the heart. |
May 2023