Without a doubt one of the scariest and very upsetting facts for pet owners is when a beloved pet is missing. Rather than sitting around fretting, it is a call-to-arms to get moving to get your pet back as quickly as possible. Lost Pet Facts:
What to Do if Your Pet Is Lost:
Making a Flier: Information, Keep it Simple & Brief with picture Bold Lettering for Lost Dog. Have your phone number clearly presented. Letter carefully and clearly. Tear off phone number tabs are good. Pet's Name. Brief description, keep something back from the public for you to know if scam or not. Give the location and date last seen. Most of the time rewards are unnecessary. If you choose to offer a reward just say, "REWARD" Ads - local papers Communicate -social network/media, neighbors - fliers in mailboxes Post on Craig’s List Leave a smelly article of clothing outside nearby the farthest on record of a dog being able to scent is 40 ft underground, 80 ft underwater and more than a mile away! No kidding. SCAMS There are also unscrupulous people out there, rehearse what you will say when a caller calls. Think about a meeting place, etc. If a reward is offered. Think about how it is handled. Never wire money. There is a lot of text scamming. Don’t be a victim of a scam. Ask them to identify your pet or send a picture. Don't offer info. Ask them for their number and call them back. One scam is when the caller says the pet is injured and he needs money to take the pet to the vet. Don’t fall for this. Don’t give up! Check and recheck.
The microchip within is very small like, a grain of rice. It is not much different from a regular vaccination for the dog. The injection is over the shoulder blades roughly. It is possible for the chip to migrate toward the collar bone eventually over the years.
It is likely that a dog will get lost during its lifetime. Often at rest stops, gas stops and even at the vet’s office dogs can escape their owner. The backyard fence may have a portal into another world for your dog. At any rate, having a dog microchipped will give any owner peace of mind knowing that either through the animal shelter or a vet’s office their pet can be identified. The most important thing to remember is to update the registration information.
There is also an organization called Pet FBI, since 1998, that can help. It is a free database and information center for lost and found pets and works with Lost Dogs of America and other organizations. It is a non-profit 501 organization. FBI stands for 'Found by Internet' National Lost Dog Awareness Day is Apr. 23. |
May 2023