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It is difficult to assess how long your dog has been infected when the signs or symptoms appear. During this season it is very important to frequently go over your dog checking crevices like the armpit of the dog, ears, and all over your pet. These diseases can be fatal if not treated promptly. Be sure your dog is protected and check them often for ticks. Tick season is mostly in spring and summer but in Texas, it ain’t over yet! Top Four Southern Tick Borne Diseases
Professional medical intervention is necessary. Culprits Blacklegged (deer) tick Lone Star Ticks American Dog Ticks REFERENCES:
“10 Types of Ticks That Can Make You Sick, Where They Live, and How to Identify Them.” Prevention, 6 Feb. 2023, www.prevention.com/health/g27419738/types-of-ticks/. Vsadmin. “Ticks: What You Need to Know.” VetCare Pet Hospital, 29 Mar. 2022, www.vetcarepethospital.ca/ticks-what-you-need-to-know/. @2CuteHavanese DISCLAIMER: This site is for informational or educational purposes only and does not substitute professional, medical advice or consultations with healthcare professionals.
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