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AKC Rally® is the newest event to join the Companion Event family and it was developed after rally-style auto racing. The dog/handler team must navigate a course made up of directional signs. Each course is unique and different; it is great for first-time competitors or anyone new to Companion Events.
Rally provides a link from the Canine Good Citizen® (CGC) program to obedience or agility competition, both for dogs and handlers. In addition, rally promotes fun and enjoyment for dogs at all levels of competition. Rally is a sport in which the dog and handler complete a course that has been designed by the rally judge. [What it is:] The judge tells the handler to begin, and the dog and handler proceed at their own pace through a course of designated stations (10 - 20, depending on the level). Each of these stations has a sign providing instructions regarding the next skill that is to be performed. Scoring is not as rigorous as traditional obedience. [You can do this! Ezy peazy with some training – fun!] AKC Rally is the new dog sport that is taking the nation by storm, a successful stepping stone from the AKC Canine Good Citizen® program to the world of obedience or agility. Rally offers both the dogs and handlers an experience that is fun and energizing. The canine team moves at their own pace, very similar to rally-style auto racing. Rally was designed with the traditional pet owner in mind, but it can still be very challenging for those who enjoy higher levels of competition. A Rally course includes 10 to 20 stations, depending on the level. Scoring is not as rigorous as traditional obedience. Communication between handler and dog is encouraged and perfect heel position is not required, but there should be a sense of teamwork between the dog and handler. The main objective of rally is to produce dogs that have been trained to behave in the home, in public places, and in the presence of other dogs, in a manner that will reflect positively on the sport of rally at all times and under all conditions. Three levels of competition: Novice, Advanced and Excellent First through fourth place in each class. There are four Rally Titles attainable. Find out more at: https://www.akc.org/events/rally/getting_started.cfm Beginner's Guide PDF free! Online. J Where to find a class in Dallas Area: https://www.apps.akc.org/apps/events/obedience/training_clubs/index.cfm?action=search_state&state=TX
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