Sterilization is the most common surgery performed and is considered very safe with a very low chance of complications. One thing that has not changed over the years is that altered animals versus intact animals live longer. Altered females outlive intact females by 23% and the male altered animal outlives the intact male by 18%. With sterilization, there is a reduction or elimination of reproductive organ cancers. Uterine disease, pyometra, and other uterine-related infections are eliminated. If done early enough the possibility of mammary tumors is reduced or eliminated. For a sterilized male there are several problems with lowered incidence such as enlarged prostate and more. The reduced breeding behavior includes less desire to roam and less aggression. Staying home more lowers the chances of being hit by a car, less urge to mark, less barking, and less mounting. less fighting or injury. For the females reduced breeding behavior includes less howling, nervousness, mounting, no bleeding, or heat-related crying. The time for surgery is left to your vet’s discretion although we suggest later than 6 months especially for the males to achieve better bone and muscle development. Female Traditional Spaying - OHE (Ovariohysterectomy)
In the Absence of Ovaries
Ovary Sparing Spaying, i.e. Hysterectomy:
When the Ovaries Are Left Intact:
Ovariectomy, i.e. Laparoscopic is more common in Europe, also known as a female gonadectomy:
Tubal Ligation:
Male – Normal hormonal function continues with either procedure. Traditional Neuter (Orchiectomy)
Chemical Neuter or Intratesticular Injection:
Conflicting Sides: There are studies now about when to sterilize a dog with arguments and studies on both sides of the debate. If you have noticed there are notes about when the ovaries are left and when they are removed. The information is documented. This leaves us with your vet as your authority. So why is sterilization important? One of the major reasons is pet overpopulation. One of the other reasons is to eliminate or significantly reduce the breeding behaviors. References: Avery, Dr Alex. “Ovaries Only...which Is the Best Spay Surgery for Your Dog?” Our Pet's Health, Our Pet's Health, 31 Jan. 2021, https://ourpetshealth.com/podcast/ovariectomy. Dr. Patty Khuly, VMD MBA. “Canine Sterilization.” Embrace Pet Insurance, 26 Mar. 2021, https://www.embracepetinsurance.com/health/canine-sterilization. DVM, Dr. Debra Primovic -. “Vasectomy in Dogs.” RSS, PetPlace, 22 Aug. 2015, https://www.petplace.com/article/dogs/pet-health/vasectomy-in-dogs/. JiniJini Patel Thompson is a natural health writer and Lazer Tapping instructor. She began riding at age 2 in Kenya. “New Healthier Procedures for Dog Spaying or Neuter: Listen to Your Horse.” Listen To Your Horse | More Freedom | More Joy | More Horse, 2 July 2016, https://listentoyourhorse.com/new-healthier-procedures-for-female-and-male-dog-spaying. Mdit. “Sterilization of a Dog (Castration & Ovariectomy).” MDIT, 22 Nov. 2019, https://mydogistop.com/sterilization-of-a-dog-castration-ovariectomy/. “Spaying and Neutering Your Pets - Surgical Sterilization.” PPHC - Plantation Pet Health Center, 13 Mar. 2019, https://www.plantationpethealthcenter.com/veterinary-surgery/spaying-neutering-pets/. “Sterilization Free Icons Designed by Freepik.” Flaticon, 20 May 2022, https://www.flaticon.com/free-icon/sterilization_1068494?term=Sterile.
There is also an organization called Pet FBI, since 1998, that can help. It is a free database and information center for lost and found pets and works with Lost Dogs of America and other organizations. It is a non-profit 501 organization. FBI stands for 'Found by Internet' National Lost Dog Awareness Day is Apr. 23.
Story Time: Last week, while I was wrapping up a routine check-up at the vet’s, there was a serious problem.. Two owners, each waiting their appointed time struggled to control their dogs. They exhibited aggressive behavior such as snarling and posturing. These were not little dogs either. Luckily, before an accident could happen reinforcements arrived in the form of our amazing vet techs. Basic Training Includes:
Training is part of responsible ownership, and a fundamental part of having dogs in our society as well-behaving members. Civility is simply a question of a dog behaving well when it meets another dog, person, or behaving well in an unfamiliar environment and responding on command. Basic obedience is critical to ensuring the safety of all, especially with the growing canine population. A core component of training is socialization. Training is rewarded and reinforced with treats along the way to make it a positive experience for the dog. Good behavior is further encouraged when the proud handler praises the dog. A skittish, shy, or aggressive animal can be rehabilitated with rewards and praise to become more comfortable and confident. An owner can confidently enjoy their pet outside of the home and enriched their relationship through training. Basic training can offer other avenues and levels to pursue, but it begins with simply passing the Canine Good Citizen course. AKC events are a lot of fun such as agility. Mostly just having a well-mannered dog is very comfortable and a basic course is not strenuous. The benefits for all are worthwhile and last a lifetime. |
May 2023