DID YOU KNOW? IT TAKES ONLY 0.5 GRAMS OF XYLITOL PER POUND TO KILL A DOG? Xylitol causes 'Acute Hepatic Necrosis' means sudden liver death and it is devastating. It is often fatal due to total liver failure and how quickly it occurs without immediate intervention. 1. Inconsistent Identification: Xylitol is now better recognized as a poison to dogs, but many manufacturers are less than forthright about the use of it in their products. Xylitol can also be identified as Birch Sugar or Sugar Alcohol. 2. Poor Placement on Label: Instead of listing it with the traditional ingredients it is set aside under 'Supplement Facts' such. 3. Amount: The amount of xylitol is not provided. More importantly, the concentration is withheld and so it becomes a two-part guessing game for the attending physician. 4. Trace Elements: Trace elements are not required to be listed in the ingredients. A trace element equates to a greater than 0.1 kg, 1000ppm or less than .01% and in under 10 minutes a dog a start to show a reaction to trace element poisoning. DID YOU KNOW? XYLITOL CAN BE CLASSIFIED AS A TRACE ELEMENT 5. Used Everywhere: Xylitol is in everything, or so it seems from clothing, mouthwash, OTC and RX medicine, to even food, gummy/chewable vitamins. It is also found in Sublingual Supplements such as tablets, films or sprays that melt under the tongue. Though gum is still #1 or the most common place one can find xylitol, but it can also be found in commercial peanut butter and in animal peanut butter as well. So What Names Mean Xylitol? Xilitol, Xylit, Xylite, Xylo-pentane 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 -pentol, Natural Sweetener, Sucre De Bouleau- sounds beautiful in French but simply means Birch Sugar Meso -Xylitol, Birch Sugar, E967, Sugar alcohol, 1, -anhydri-d-xylitol, Anhydroxylitol, Birch sugar, D-xylitol. All of which are found in ‘Ingredients’ lists. The ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center cautions use of any product with the letters “xyl” because they are synonyms for xylitol. 2019 Peanut Butter Report: Commercial Xylitol Free Peanut Butter - Jif and Skippy Dog Product Xylitol Free Product - DOG for DOG Dogsbutter, Smartbones Peanut Butter, Claws, Zuke’s Mini Peanut Butter Treats, Peanut Butter Filled Dog Bones Reported having Xylitol - Go Nuts, Hank’s Protein Plus Peanut Butter, Krush Nutrition, P28, Nuts n’ More, Nutty By Nature Red Flags and Warnings/ Marketing Catch Phrases
Xylitol Poisoning Symptoms
I would say read the Ingredients labels, but that is no longer enough. Since things like trace amounts are allowed in products/food but do not have to be listed a buyer will not find them. Moving the Xylitol listing out of the Ingredients list, or simply giving an alternative name to maybe hiding the use of Xylitol is becoming more common and with the growing list of products using Xylitol. I have no suggestions to safeguard your dog. The best advice here is to avoid impulse purchase(s) for your dog and try to keep all human products away from your dog that may be questionable. References: Nicholas, Dr. Jason. “My Dog Ate Xylitol: What to Do and Who to Tell?” Preventive Vet, 19 May 2016, https://www.preventivevet.com/dogs/my-dog-ate-xylitol-what-should-i-do. Nicholas, Dr. Jason. “Xylitol: The ‘Sugar-Free’ Sweetener Your Dog Needs You to Know About.” Preventive Vet, 10 Aug. 2015, https://www.preventivevet.com/dogs/xylitol-sugar-free-sweetener-dangerous-for-dogs#targetText=Xylitol%20Is%20Toxic%20To%20Dogs.&targetText=More%20pronounced%20hypoglycemia%2C%20such%20as,as%20little%20as%2030%20minutes! “The Shocking Ingredient in One of Your Dog's Favorite Foods.” The Dog People by Rover.com, 31 May 2018, https://www.rover.com/blog/xylitol-dogs-peanut-butter/. “Xylitol Products Dangerous to Pets.” Pet Poison Helpline, 3 Mar. 2020, https://www.petpoisonhelpline.com/pet-safety-tips/xylitol-just-gum-anymore/. “Xylitol Products List – Ingredient Toxic to Dogs.” Preventive Vet, https://www.preventivevet.com/xylitol-products-toxic-for-dogs. “Xylitol Toxicity in Dogs: The Peanut Butter Danger.” NC State Veterinary Medicine, 28 Sept. 2015, https://cvm.ncsu.edu/xylitol/. “Xylitol-Nuts-n-More-Peanut-Butter.” Frenchie's Kitchen, https://frenchieskitchen.com/blog/watch-out-for-xylitol-in-peanut-butter-and-other-products/attachment/xylitol-nuts-n-more-peanut-butter/.
If your dog has eaten one of these plants or displays symptoms, call your vet or Pet Poison Helpline and take a picture of the plant.
Common Toxic Plants for Dogs:
May 2023