It amazes me how many things we take for granted sometimes! We drink out of cup or bottle, write, open a door and a million other things that we learned how to do while very young. Once upon a time we could not do all those things. Someone taught us how to accomplish the simplest of tasks. It is the same with puppies so when you snap on that new leash do not expect a puppy to get the idea he or she is ready to walk with you. ‘Not happening.
With horses you have a tether. It’s the same thing as a leash but longer. The idea is the same. You expect the animal on the end of it to do what you want it to do, what you transmit through the leash or tether and by word. This is way too advanced for your puppy who is still thinking about the shiny clasp on the leash or the snap sound it made just before the itch he has that must go away - now. You get the idea. With a puppy a leash ought to be called a special name like a tether which exactly describes all you need with your puppy for a bit. Things like come, heel, etc., can wait. A first lesson with a leash is a fun, stress free time. For the human: no pulling, no yelling, no worries! The first few times with your puppy on a leash should be just fun for you both. If you are doing your job with a treat or two and kissy sounds for ‘come along’ or encouragement and occasionally saying, ‘Here <your puppy’s name>’ your Havanese puppy will probably stay close to you. At least close enough that you only need a gently tug to keep him/her near to your feet. I recommend that if you have a four or five foot leash to use two leashes to extend your puppy’s radius. The idea here is to let your pup have some free will on these first few forages with you on a leash where you have control of the situation but the pup has the fun of it, too. The leash can be shortened later. This is for working with a 8 week old puppy or a dog who has never been on the leash. You have years to perfect your leash training but the opportunity is brief to embed in your puppy’s mind what a treat it is to have the leash come out. So, take it slow. Make it fun for both of you and forget your worries while you tether yourself to your puppy. Your puppy may not like a collar or tags . It may be a new and unwelcomed thing. Only have an I.D. tag on your collar with these small dogs. A leash is another new and uncertain item. You, for that matter, may still be too new, smelly, big and maybe scary for a new puppy. Encouragement by voice, touch and the stomach/treats will help the cause for both of you. Puppies thrive on lovingly being handled and told they are doing well. Have a wonderful relatively short walk with your puppy. He’ll get tired. One of the few firsts with a leash is no chewing on it. Help keep it out of his mouth. Try to keep the leash held in your right hand near your waist and later work on keeping the pup on your left side. Use your left hand to control the leash. Off you go!
May 2023