Getting it right: ‘Shears’ and ‘scissors’ have been used interchangeably throughout the references for this article and are often used without regard to detailed differences such as structure vs. function and environment. ‘Shears’ is use mostly when referring to professionals working with hair and using a straight or curved blade of any size. while thinning scissors are specialized scissors. Example of Premium Shears Stats
Key Points About Shears:
When looking at grooming shears consider
There are straight grooming shears, curved grooming shears and thinning shears used the most for dogs other than clippers or used in conjunction with clippers. The balance and weight of the shears can affect fatigue as the job moves along. Handles: There are several different kinds of handles:
DID YOU KNOW? A $30-$60 PAIR OF SHEARS WILL HOLD AN EDGE FOR ABOUT 3 MONTHS. HARDNESS The Rockwall Hardness Scale begins at 46 and goes through 66 and provides a scale for standardized metal strength levels. This is used to see how well a metal will hold an edge. The highest quality of steel to the lowest quality of steel follows:
DID YOU KNOW? "JAPAN" OR "HITACHI STEEL" IS USED FOR FORGERIES. Fulcrum Shears come with a factory set screw or there is an adjustable tension knob. A metal adjustment screw is more durable than a rubber one. Tension can improve or ruin the quality of a cut. It can make the work easier when at the proper point. Types of Blade Edges Beveled Shears have beveled (small serrations) edges which hold onto hair, particularly fine hair better. In comparison, to convex edge shears, beveled edge shears have a rougher cut. The beveled edge originated in Germany and is a more traditional, thicker angled edge. The angle can vary but the blade is more durable and less expensive to maintain than a convex edge. This edge requires a little more force to cut with than a convex or semi-convex blade and even though it offers flat surface cutting edge, many argue that it does not support advanced cuts like slide cutting. Semi-Convex blades truly are a combination of the traditional and Japanese style blade. It has the beveled curved edge blade but is narrower than a traditional beveled edge. Less expensive shears offers durability and holds a sharper edge than a traditional beveled edge. Convex edge shears are more expensive because of the difficulty to make them. The blades originate from Japan and are referred to as a Japanese style blade. This is a finely milled indented edge that is easier to damage if misused. While it is costly to sharpen, it's performance is a cut above its peers. The is hollow ground or hollow grind is a concave surface which is behind cutting edge. The curve blade allows for cutting at an angle. This edge has a smooth and quick action called a “butter cut”. Convex shears are better to use for the professional working with advanced techniques such as chipping, etc. These shears have a very sharp edge but from a groomers point of view it is better to use them on a clean coat to finish the coat. Curvature and type of Blade Straight Shears are the most universal shears and are usually about .5”- 1” longer than the curved shears used. Curved Shears work well around the curved shape of a dog’s body. The curved blades are used around the face, feet, ears, etc. Serrated-Edge Scissors Thinning Scissors are serrated edge scissors. Plain ones are used to thin the hair primarily. They cut only a portion of the hair and soften the lines between other cuts. By cutting the hair at the skin level thinning shears can reduce the hair volume. By cutting the ends of the hair it can give a less clipped and more natural appearance and are rated by the degree of hair thinning in a cut. A hair thinning rate of 20 – 30% is very efficient for any dog coat. Serrated edge shears are used for wide multitude of purposes, from specialty styling to an everyday natural look. A basic thinning shear has 27-40 teeth and two notched blades like a serrated comb. Another variety has 28 teeth on average its serrated comb blade and a non-notched matching smooth blade (Blender). A Blender gets the job done more quickly than the classic thinning shear. Shears with teeth notched on one blade with the other blade having V notched teeth holds the hair better. The larger the V notch, the greater amount of hair will be held and cut. The German style has a 42-46 tooth thinner with a beveled edge is a good work horse for any tool box. Texturing shears offer wider spaces between blade teeth. The texturing shears have 10-24 teeth unlike the serrated edge shear's 27-40 teeth. There is a ragged-bladed scissor with 'T' shape teeth and creates a softer and more natural appearance. This style of thinning scissor is known as Chunkers/Chunking/Notching (Texturizers or Fishtails) have 5 to 9 teeth. It is used for the back of legs, ears, and thinning thick hair. It can give a spike hair look. Heavier shears should be no longer than 7” and will retain its edge better than lighter, longer ones. With the 5” scissors higher teeth count works better around the eyes and nose. Fishbone Hair thinning scissors (5.75”) have 18, 14 or 8 teeth. This strange scissor has a traditional comb blade and the other blade has rounded notches on the outside edge. The shear can work as a razor tool if needed. The more even the teeth and gaps between the teeth then the better the blending. The wider the teeth and narrower the gaps then the results are a more natural look. The tension on the thinning shears should be set tighter than regular shears. The tighter the tension the lesser chance of nicks. Length
Weight Weight plays a huge part in balance of the shear and what fits your hand comfortably without stressing the wrist. Where to start: The sharper the blade, the cleaner and less resistant the cut. Most importantly, the better fit for the hand means more comfort giving easier cuts. A classic handle may limit usability. There are many shiny, sharp imitators out there. Look for brands with stability and quality for an affordable price.
One recommendation is using a pet grooming 88 Filipino style 440C shear with the wider blade 7.5. If you do not expect much, the kits are inexpensive but it offers you the time to find what you really want or the direction to go when evaluating more expensive decisions or individual tools. The bonus is that you are taking care of your pets needs, building your confidence and experience, and while having a minimal investment if this is something you want to do on a regular basis. Word of caution: The cheapest kits will be a waste of time and money. Only use the shears on hair, otherwise the reason for purchasing them is lost. Keep grooming tools in a special, protected place with limited access. Sharp shears are not kid friendly. We hope this helps anyone looking for shears or scissors to groom their dog to understand a little more about their choices. Please investigate the care for these tools as it is information not provided here. Also, be sure who ever sharpens your blades knows how to work on grooming shears. Ask about micro serrations. A manufacturer’s service may be your best choice. For more information: Visit the Marlo Beauty website listed in our references below for information about maintenance, cleaning, and further care. It is a wonderful, informative article that encompasses so much more than caring for shears. References: “Choosing the Right Shear for You.” Scissor Mall, https://www.scissormall.com/faq-choosing-the-right-shear-for-you#offset-opposing-crane-handle-shear. Conner, Daryl. “Choosing the Right Scissors for You.” Groomer to Groomer, 13 Oct. 2020, https://www.groomertogroomer.com/choosing-the-right-scissors-for-you/. “Convex Edge or Beveled Edge Shears.” The Difference between Convex Edge Shears and Beveled Edge Shears, https://www.hairfinder.com/hair2/shears.htm. “Difference between Shears and Scissors.” Home Quicks, 11 June 2015, https://homequicks.com/difference-between-shears-scissors. “Dog Grooming Shears Buyer's Guide.” OPAWZ, https://www.opawz.com/blogs/general/dog-grooming-shears-buyers-guide. Facebook.com/getarazor. “Top 10 Hair Cutting Shears for Beginners & Professionals [Udated 2022].” Getarazor, 2 Jan. 2022, https://getarazor.com/best-hair-cutting-shears/. Law, Serena. “5 Best Dog Grooming Scissors: Affordable Shears for 2022.” Daydreamdog, 18 June 2020, https://daydreamdog.com/best-dog-grooming-shears/. Luv2Sew. “What's the Difference between Scissors and Shears?” What's the Difference Between Scissors and Shears? |, 25 Oct. 2010, http://blog.havelssewing.com/whats-the-difference-between-scissors-and-shears/. Marlo Beauty Supply. How to Choose the Best Professional Hair Cutting Shears. https://www.marlobeauty.com/pro2pro/how-to-choose-the-best-professional-hair-cutting-shears/a378/. Scissors - Knife Center. https://www.knifecenter.com/shop/scissors. “Scissors.” How Products Are Made, http://www.madehow.com/Volume-3/Scissors.html. “Size of Hair Scissors.” Size of Scissors, Good Shears Length or Haircutting Scissors Length for a Beginning Hair Stylist, https://www.hairfinder.com/hair/hair-scissors.htm. “To Use Trello, Please Enable JavaScript.” Trello, https://trello.com/c/46SO04bM/2271-en-terminology-of-scissors-boldbarber. Ultimate Guide: Best Dog Grooming Scissors and Thinning Shears. https://trimepil.com/dog-grooming-scissors-thinning-shears/. “What Every Hairstyling Professional Should Know about Shears.” Washi Scissor Company, https://washiscissor.com/shear-knowledge/. “What Is the Difference between Scissors and Shears?” Oishya, 12 Nov. 2021, https://oishya.com/journal/what-is-the-difference-between-scissors-and-shears/. “Wholesale Meisha+7’+Professional+Pet+.” 0 Item Found for Wholesale Meisha+7+Professional+Pet+, https://www.dhgate.com/wholesale/search.do?act=search&dspm=&sus=&searchkey=meisha%2B7%22%2Bprofessional%2Bpet%2B&catalog=#pusearch1812.
Toad-ish Problems If a toad is in your dog’s mouth wash the mouth out with the water coming out of the mouth and immediately call your veterinarian. Bag the toad and identify it, if you can, but do not touch yourself or your dog until you wash your hands really well. If you cannot reach a veterinarian call the PET POISON HELPLINE, 1-855-764-7661. DID YOU KNOW? TOADS ARE IN THE TOP 10% FOR PET POISONINGS EACH YEAR. Toads vs. Frogs For most of us, a toad or frog is a croaking creature that hops with four legs, hunchback, two eyes, and a fly-catching sticky, zap it tongue. Knowing the difference between a toad and a frog has an ‘ick’ factor. Frogs are slimier than toads and frogs have smoother skin where toads have bumpier skin. Frogs have longer legs and found more often near a body of water and have webbed hind feet. Frogs have teeth on the upper jaw and toads have no teeth. Toads have shorter legs with squattier bodies and drier skin. A bump or wart is skin covering sensory organs with nerve endings like on the human tongue. This rougher skin also hides a toad’s defense mechanism. A toad has a granular gland (parotoid gland) at the back of its head or on the shoulders. When a toad is threatened this gland releases a toxin with a bitter taste, odor, and milky discharge through its skin similar to sweating. It can be deadly to dogs but begins as an irritant. It will irritate the nose, mouth, and eyes of a predator. Some say toads can actually spray this toxin from the gland. Toxic Toads A toad soaking in a dog’s water dish can leave enough toxin behind to make the dog very sick. The most likely and dangerous time to find a toad is at dawn or dusk from May to August. The Sonoran Toad, the Giant Toad, and Fowler’s Toad are very toxic. The Sonoran toad is a nocturnal toad also known as the Desert Toad and the Colorado River Toad. The Giant Toad is better known as the Cane Toad, Marine Toad, and the Giant Neotropical Toad.
Fowler’s toad has a lighter gray or brown stripe down its back. Its coloring is gray or brown with dark spots and three or more warts. It has a cream color underside. The Sonoran toad is the largest toad in North America and considered endangered in California. This toad is found in the Sonoran Desert of Arizona. It is also found across the country from Arizona westward to California. The Sonoran toad's head is wide and flat with a squatty body. Its leathery skin changes from a gray-green to a dark brown with light orange warts and up to four white warts. The Giant toad can get very big but is usually smaller than the Sonoran toad. It has a record of being 15” long from nose to bottom. Its coloring varies from olive-brown to a yellowish or reddish color. The belly may be pale white or yellow. It has a triangular head, short legs, and rough skin. This toad can live 10 – 40 years. It needs a very humid place to live. In Texas, it can be found predominately in the Rio Grande Valley. If the toad is longer than 4” it is probably toxic. Toxin: A toad’s milky toxin is a steroid compound called Bufotoxin and it is a serious hallucinogen. This can vary some. Its chemical makeup is akin to that of LSD. The toxin comes through the skin when the toad is frightened or when the parotid gland is compressed/squeezed such as when milking a cow. If a dog grabs the toad with his mouth he squeezes the parotid gland. These poisonous toads are referred to as 'psychedelic toads'. Symptoms: Symptoms range from mild to severe. A dog will experience disorientation, fever, and rapid or abnormal heart rhythms. Mild reactions include a lot of salivating and mouth or eye irritation. On top of mild symptoms, there is vomiting, breathing difficulty, loss of muscle coordination, loss of bladder control, and listlessness. The most severe reactions go further to include pasty diarrhea, seizures, fixed pupils, abdominal cramping, bluish complexion, and so on. Veterinarian intercession is necessary. A pet can die in as little as 15 minutes. Take Action: When a dog gets a toad in its mouth small amounts of toxin are absorbed through the mucous membranes and the poison goes directly into the bloodstream. It can also cause vision issues if gotten in the eyes. The dog may paw at its mouth or eyes or both and whimper or cry. Inducing vomiting will not help because the toxin is not in the stomach. Seek immediate veterinarian treatment. Preventative Measures: Suggestions to reduce having toads on your property are keeping your grass cut short and shrubs clipped up. Rake all the debris away. Look for places a toad might like to burrow such as foundational cubbies around a home, fence, shed, or other building. Do not leave any pet food or water outdoors. Commands like ‘Down,' 'Leave it,' or 'Stop,' come in handy for many things, like leaving toads alone. References: “Californiaherps.com, Reptiles and Amphibians.” California Herps, http://www.californiaherps.com/noncal/misc/miscfrogs/pages/r.marina.html. Cane Toad (Rhinella Marina) - Species Profile, https://nas.er.usgs.gov/queries/factsheet.aspx?SpeciesID=48#:~:text=Cane%20Toad%20(Rhinella%20marina)%20%2D%20Species%20Profile&text=Synonyms%20and%20Other%20Names%3A%20Bufo,)%2C%20Poloka%20(Hawaiian). “Clinical and Electrocardiographic Evaluation during Experimental Toad Poisoning in Dogs.” Facebook, https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.scielo.br%2Fscielo.php%3Fscript%3Dsci_arttext%26pid%3DS1678-91992010000200014%26fbclid%3DIwAR0CUR6XkXxcaqhNz8-ZxJcpOUeMceEL_UhpzLfRs-Uib9XR6l3t6fERgzg&h=AT1cGIoIVEn1qJugNM4JKHCWl7I1EwVs8-AWZq6ceZ7qS3nFF9MyL5fVTzcaq2Up3llnNj-bXZgr7t_fNay3YUFAs38RjGI96c9dXdlwUWa1FeW7AkOyhUtcUUtH_dJTB1XqhViUZCs-mbWpqGMq7X5llkG6t2XGAYyGgYiGqLWzyC6kcBK1Pgc4gfvXBVTQc-pJ2vlsKbb3ils2JfViYYEO58oHuHnSXny7smDG4N6XnjcptqyvI39ZqSMXA8o0rZ-41kNqhbffUHJjY4p7nHcKsS07RqzKPI2Im3Dq9iBCvkuaC6Kh5HgP457V9kI4QYA2RBZA3tSqmtNGcWZV_Iu-5ZqcQ28NET7ax-4tFjKCXBWbmMWTiEktRQsBhLdr5vxr9bSJi_RfrcHarP_in6g5seDKP5n-cTeYUOSxxCmxcKTUvwiOxQWhzda2ApJ1-eaR5yXAnTDT0Sup-jZjul8-QkIw1S5nRJkwQJr6t6Vix4taMK7NQlrTROd_LcKs04i_i_GQRdxZmcq1_N0T8swAfIRl25kKWx0sH46w_-k6EOWFHMgeX1L7WvLCA9Vj4ZgZ53co_8_Z1XqNeVqi6lpYYRM8OFtkwiXeJa7EMJeuXclBEqY8v19VRkbPXJ3vyQ. Editorial, PetMD. “Toad Venom Toxicosis in Dogs.” PetMD, PetMD, 21 Sept. 2016, https://www.petmd.com/dog/conditions/toxicity/c_dg_toad_venom_toxicosis. “External Structures of Toad: Zoology.” Zoology Notes, 20 Oct. 2016, https://www.notesonzoology.com/toad/external-structures-of-toad-zoology/3664. “Fowler's Toad (Bufo [Anaxyrus] Fowleri).” Species Profile: Fowler's Toad (Bufo [Anaxyrus] Fowleri) | SREL Herpetology, https://srelherp.uga.edu/anurans/buffow.htm. Fratt, Kayla. “How to Treat Toad Poisoning in Dogs.” The Spruce Pets, The Spruce Pets, 4 June 2021, https://www.thesprucepets.com/are-toads-poisonous-to-dogs-4589043. “Frogs and Toads.” Frogs and Toads - Enchantedlearning.com, https://www.enchantedlearning.com/subjects/amphibians/frogs.shtml. Holland, Mary. “American Toad Parotoid Glands.” Naturally Curious with Mary Holland, 5 July 2017, https://naturallycuriouswithmaryholland.wordpress.com/2017/07/05/american-toad-parotoid-glands/. Pacific, Aquarium of the. “Sonoran Desert Toad.” Sonoran Desert Toad | Online Learning Center | Aquarium of the Pacific, https://www.aquariumofpacific.org/onlinelearningcenter/species/sonoran_desert_toad. Plumlee DVM, MS, Dipl ABVT, ACVIM, Konnie H., et al. “Bufotoxin.” Bufotoxin - an Overview | ScienceDirect Topics, https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/pharmacology-toxicology-and-pharmaceutical-science/bufotoxin. Spielman, Dr. Bari. “Poisonous Toads and Your Dog.” RSS, PetPlace, 22 Sept. 2015, https://www.petplace.com/article/dogs/pet-health/poisonous-toads-and-your-dog/. Tatum, Jimmy. “Bufo Toad Florida Infestation Toxic to Pets.” K9partnersforpatriots.Com, 4 Apr. 2019, https://k9partnersforpatriots.com/bufo-toad-florida-infestation-toxic-to-pets/. Tucsonherpsociety.org, https://tucsonherpsociety.org/2020/09/28/online-presentation-september-28-2020-7pm-pst-robert-a-villa-toad-smoke-unnatural-history-of-the-sonoran-desert-toad/. WFLA 8 On Your Side Staff. “Toxic Toads Can Kill Your Pet in Minutes - Here's How to Stop Them.” WFLA, WFLA, 10 Feb. 2020, https://www.wfla.com/news/florida/toxic-toads-can-kill-your-pet-in-minutes-heres-how-to-stop-them/.
Don't get us wrong, we love talking, sharing, and educating all things Havanese. However as fun as this is, Havanese are still about a 12-14 year loving and financial commitment. We want those puppies to stay in the homes that have become their world with the people they love best who have carefully planned for their arrival. Getting back to normal Well, folks, ‘normal’ has changed. Maybe a new ‘normal’ is waiting on us but this virus is here to stay for a while and so far it has become part of our history, present and future in some fashion. So things change. When hasn’t that been part of our lives? Certainly not recently to this extent and socially together. Because of this extended period of time at home a very large group of people have adopted/purchased puppies for a plethora of reasons. Puppies of every kind have been blessed with new homes. The last time anything remotely similar to this mass puppy purchase occurred was when a movie about over 100 Dalmatian puppies premiered. The puppies were precious in the movie and they are precious in real life but Dalmatians are by nature very energetic, etc., which was not part of the movie in a normal way. Consequently, older Dalmatian puppies flooded animal shelters within the year after the movie opening. It is our sincere desire for every person acquiring a puppy now or thinking about getting a puppy to carefully consider the personality of the puppy and how to manage a puppy when things change, as we expect them to do so. Old jobs, new jobs, time dedicated in new ways, same or different schedules, re-location, financial stresses, separation, etc., a variety of possibilities you may or may not have control over raises the question of how one small puppy can continue to be well taken care of. Jean Bauhaus has written a wonderful article that thoughtfully looks at when times change and how the puppy may experience separation anxiety. It defines and explains different aspects of separation anxiety and how to help your puppy cope with these changes. Havanese can and do experience separation anxiety upon occasion. Separation anxiety covers a broad range of problem behavior from acting out to continuous barking. More importantly she gives sound ways to handle some of the problems and opportunities to circumvent altered behavior when your time together changes. Recommendations: Bauhaus, Jean. “How Separation Anxiety Might Impact Your Dog When You Return to Work.” American Kennel Club, |
May 2023